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The Demand Creator Blog

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The Real Cost of Poor CRM Adoption

The typical company with 20 or more salespeople spends between $5,000 and $10,000 per year per person on the technology for go-to-market teams. The largest portion (typically accounting for 33% to as much as 80%) is spent on the CRM. It's estimated that companies spend 4.6 billion annually on CRM implementations. Today, CRM represents the largest category in the business tech stack, with an anticipated $80 billion of annual revenue by 2025. Yet despite these investments, poor adoption, and...

Here’s How Sales Managers Can Succeed Via an L&D Strategy

If you’re a sales manager, you were likely chosen for the job because you had great success as a...

What Is L&D and Why Should Sales Managers Care?

As a sales manager, you’re responsible for shepherding your reps to success. After all, if they...

One Thing RevOps Must Do To Enable Sales Performance

Companies are working harder than ever to increase sales—only to see a plummeting payoff. People...

If You’re Not Writing User Stories for Growth, You’re Missing Out

At Lift, we believe that user stories are invaluable growth tools that help us zero in on the...

7 Cognitive Biases that Influence Buyer Behavior and Decision-Making

Human beings make a lot of decisions—up to 35,000 each day. If you’re trying to influence a...

The Changing Role of RevOps As Organizations Scale

Sustainably growing a business is fucking hard. It will test the mental fortitude, resilience,...

The Objective Guide to Decoding HubSpot’s New Pricing

In 2015, HubSpot launched a new CRM to complement its existing marketing automation and sales...

How to Put the "Value" into a Tech Stack Evaluation

Recent research shows that the average SaaS tech stack has 291 tools—and while there’s year-to-year...

6 Ways to Keep Your CRM Implementation On Track

Houston, we have a problem. A recent Bain & Company survey revealed that 62% of B2B companies...